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This is me eating some bananas...I'm not really sure if I like them yet. I do like squash though!!

This is just me looking "cool."
Anymore, I do anything I can to get comfy on the couch :)

How dare they take my picture when I'm not dressed!!
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Why does everyone keep refering to me as "Joe Junior?"
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I learned a new trick today, I can stand up almost all by myself!

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My mommy and daddy have been decorating for Christmas!

I Helped!

This is the Christmas tree in our living room.

This is the Rudolph Christmas tree, it's in our dining room.
I have a Christmas tree in my room too. It's really small, I'm almost as big as it is!
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Am I sitting all by myself?
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This is with with my cousin Ethan. He loved helping me bounce in my Jumparoo!
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I got my picture taken with Santa tonight!
He was very nice, and I told him what I wanted for Christmas.
He made me smile.
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It's my three month Birthday! Can you believe it?
Grandpa Joe came over and brought me a special Birthday crown.
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Taylor came to visit this morning. We had so much fun! I even shared my Jumparoo with her :)

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Had to jump the gun and decorate for my very first Christmas!!!
What do you think?
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Well, tonight was my very first time Trick-Or-Treating...I tried really hard, but I had a hard time staying awake. The only place I was awake for was my Nana's house.
This is the costume I could have worn, but I DID NOT like it, as you can surely tell.

This is the costume I did Grandma Barb bought it for me! :)

This is me with my cousin Taylor, doesn't she make the prettiest flower?
This is my Uncle Tim. I don't think words can describe him.
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Happy Halloween Everyone!

Check back later for pictures of my very first Trick-Or-Treat night!
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Well today I had my two month checkup, and let me tell wasn't fun. They gave me FOUR SHOTS! Ouch! But, it was over fast, thank goodness. My pediatrician walked in took a look at me and asked if I was in for my four month checkup! I guess I've grown some.
Here are my stats:
Weight: 13 pounds, 8.5 ounces
Length: 24 inches
Taylor better watch out, I'm only trailing by four inches and four and a half pounds. :)
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