Nothing beats an ICE COLD's actually water though, mommy and daddy won't let me have the real stuff.

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I know many of you are skeptical as to whether or not I actually write my own blog. Well, I thought I'd offer proof!
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How do you like my wheels??

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Mommy took this picture because she thought I was looking grown up in it. I AM almost 5 months old :)

I love getting to my stomach whenever I can...but I hate having to lay on my stomach! The rolling part is the fun part!!
More sitting!!!
This is me in my daddies coat when he was really small.

Daddy and Me!!!
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This morning, mommy let me drink from a big boy cup for the first time! I think I did pretty good. I had to put on a new sleeper cause mine got wet, but it was worth it!
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One morning, I woke up and decided to make this face ALL morning.

Just a random picture :)

My mommy just loves taking my picture in my's so much fun!

Her I am in the BIG's very relaxing. My mommy likes it because I don't get the kitchen floor all wet when I take a bath in here.

This is me with my kitty, Gizmo. Sometimes she takes a nap with me.
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I rolled over all by myself for the very first time today! My mom was so surprised to leave me in the living room my on back, and return when I was on my stomach! There's no stopping me now!
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This is me in front of our Christmas tree on Christmas morning.
By now, I was really getting the hang of this "opening presents" thing.
Have you ever seen such a haul???
Taylor and I agree, the left thumb is MUCH tastier!
We don't care what our daddies say, we'll always be buddies!
I just couldn't help myself to a nap while Taylor opened her was just too comfy.
There comes a time in every young man's life, when his mommy makes him look like a girl, and takes a picture.
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