I just got back from my 1 year checkup...they gave me FIVE shots and pricked my finger. I was not happy.
Anyways, heres what they found:Weight - 27.5 pounds (thats 93rd percentile)
Height - 32 inches (95th percentile)
And as of one year, I have a few tricks:
- I can walk well
- I eat almost anything offered, my favorites being vegetables and bread
- I'm a good climber...I can get up on the couch all by myself!
- I clap, I'm pretty good at paddy cake and rollie pollie
- I drink from a sippy, and I like to feed myself (if mommy or daddy loads up my fork)
I can say a few words, like:
- No
- Momma
- Dada
- Bye Bye
- Ba Ba
- Uh oh
- Wow
- I'm trying to learn car, but I keep calling it dar
- If you ask me what a train says I go "oooooooh ooooooooh"
- If you ask me what Gizmo (my kitty) says I go "oowwwwwwww"
3:25 PM
Congratulations, you are such a big boy!
3:30 PM
Oh Jayden you are getting to be such a big boy and you are more handsome every time I see you. I can't believe all the great things you have accomplished in just one short year!!!!