So, apparently, kids like to help with laundry. Typically Jayden will help push the dryer button to make it go, and pull clothes out of the dryer when they're all dry. But the other day I wasn't watching him close enough, and before I knew it he had climbed right in the dryer. What you don't see is Jayden kicking a screaming as we try to take him OUT of the dryer. Now, Josh has to occupy Jayden whenever I'm switching over the laundry.

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Once again, I'm a little slow at getting things posted on here. :)
I had my Birthday party at the begining of the month, we had it at our "new" house (its really pretty old). Lots of people showed up to play, and eat, and they even brought me presents!
I had a really great time, it was definately my favorite Birthday so far!

Even though there were some cool things to play with, my favorites things were definately the balloons....

....and the ice!!

Lots of people came to wish me a Happy Birthday, even my Great Grandpa Pennock!
My cousin Ethan was there too, he really enjoyed playing in my new sandbox.

And he enjoyed playing with me in my new red wagon too!

And here's Taylor, relaxing outside.

This was my special Birthday cake...
I tried a little bit, but I didn't really like it...I'd much rather have some green beans!
I tried to open some presents, but I really wanted to run around and play, so I let my daddy and Ethan do most of it.
Here we all are opening the presents! Hopefully next year my house will be prettier for the pictures.
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