So, apparently, kids like to help with laundry. Typically Jayden will help push the dryer button to make it go, and pull clothes out of the dryer when they're all dry. But the other day I wasn't watching him close enough, and before I knew it he had climbed right in the dryer. What you don't see is Jayden kicking a screaming as we try to take him OUT of the dryer. Now, Josh has to occupy Jayden whenever I'm switching over the laundry.

8:31 AM
Thank goodness our dryer is out in the hallway of our apartment building, or I'm sure Christopher would be in it as soon as he was big enough!
Looks like fun, though! :)
10:22 PM
Those pictures are hilarious! Maybe when he gets older he'll actually help do the laundry!(A mom can dream!)