Sorry for the lack of updates, but the last three weeks have flown by! Life has been GREAT with Gavin, and surprisingly much easier than Josh and I imagined. I guess once your life has been turned upside down by a baby the first time, the consecutive times don't have quite the same impact. So far, Gavin has been a great baby. He's pretty happy if all of his needs are met, and when he isn't happy he's pretty easy to calm down. For the most part, he lets Josh and I sleep. We get up 2 to 3 times a night with him for a feeding and a diaper change, but he typically goes right back to sleep.
Gavin has already started to smile while he's awake, it's very cute. I've been trying to catch a picture, but it's almost impossible with a digital camera. He also has a very strong neck and is always looking all around when he's propped up. He is just getting out of the newborn phase of constant sleep and has been staying awake for hours at a time during the day. It's a lot of fun to have him awake so much, but it's also getting a bit difficult dividing out attention between him and Jayden...but I know it will be easier with time.
Jayden loves his new little brother. He's always giving Gavin hugs and kisses and he does whatever he can to help calm Gavin when he's crying, whether it be finding the binky or making funny noises and faces. He loves helping mommy and daddy out, and although it can be a little stressful sometimes, he only means well (at least when it involves Gavin).
Gavin had his two week checkup March 10th, and so far he had already gained over one pound, and one inch! He passed everything else with flying colors. :)
Here are a few pictures since we've been home.
Gavin smiles in his sleep a lot, and Becky was able to catch a picture!

Here's Jayden giving his brother some love.

And a few random pictures...

Here he is today, decked out in green for St. Patty's day! This was the tail end of a smile :)

We've been trying to keep busy so Jayden doesn't get too bored with us.
Here is Jayden and Taylor enjoying one of their favorite pastimes at Grandma and Papa's house blowing bubbles on one of our warmer days.

Jayden has been to his most favorite place in the world twice since Gavin has been home...Fun City!
Look at those abs, he hardly looks like a toddler any more!

His second trip was with his cousin Ethan, I'm pretty sure they both could have spent the entire night going down the same two slides. They had a great time!

That's all I've got for now. I'll (hopefully) post more pictures soon!
Gavin has already started to smile while he's awake, it's very cute. I've been trying to catch a picture, but it's almost impossible with a digital camera. He also has a very strong neck and is always looking all around when he's propped up. He is just getting out of the newborn phase of constant sleep and has been staying awake for hours at a time during the day. It's a lot of fun to have him awake so much, but it's also getting a bit difficult dividing out attention between him and Jayden...but I know it will be easier with time.
Jayden loves his new little brother. He's always giving Gavin hugs and kisses and he does whatever he can to help calm Gavin when he's crying, whether it be finding the binky or making funny noises and faces. He loves helping mommy and daddy out, and although it can be a little stressful sometimes, he only means well (at least when it involves Gavin).
Gavin had his two week checkup March 10th, and so far he had already gained over one pound, and one inch! He passed everything else with flying colors. :)
Here are a few pictures since we've been home.
Gavin smiles in his sleep a lot, and Becky was able to catch a picture!

Here's Jayden giving his brother some love.
And a few random pictures...
Here he is today, decked out in green for St. Patty's day! This was the tail end of a smile :)
We've been trying to keep busy so Jayden doesn't get too bored with us.
Here is Jayden and Taylor enjoying one of their favorite pastimes at Grandma and Papa's house blowing bubbles on one of our warmer days.
Jayden has been to his most favorite place in the world twice since Gavin has been home...Fun City!
Look at those abs, he hardly looks like a toddler any more!
His second trip was with his cousin Ethan, I'm pretty sure they both could have spent the entire night going down the same two slides. They had a great time!
That's all I've got for now. I'll (hopefully) post more pictures soon!
10:55 PM
That baby looks like a Stevens!!! He is SO precious!
I want to go to Fun City. :(
12:36 PM
too darling...jayden is just too sweet with him, well he tries :)
looks like he had fun at fun city and i cant wait until taylors bday party for them to have MORE fun!!!
and the one picture of gavin must be his derek zoolander picture...haha
4:41 PM
Thanks for the update, Chelsea. I'm thrilled to see my kiddos doing so well - and glad Gavin has been so 'easy' for you. Jayden, I'm so proud of you for being such a good big brother. I can't wait to see you all again! Loves and kisses!
Love, Aunt Jenny