The Three Hot Mommas

As most of you know I was pregnant at the same time as two of my sister in laws, Becky and Kim, and we got a few pictures along the way!

Becky, Kim and I, right before Colin was born.

Shortly before Peyton entered the world.
And the three bouncing baby boys. As you can tell, Gavin wasn't really in the mood to pose for pictures.

Today is Gavin's two month checkup, so I may actually get in TWO POSTS today! Wow!

Don't quote me on that though...

3 Response to "The Three Hot Mommas"

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Oh my gosh! I really still can't believe how HUGE I was! You two never looked as Ginormous as I did!
    Hope Gavin's checkup is great!
    cya this weekend!

  2. Anonymous Says:

    it seems like for ever ago colin was born!!!

    i dont think colin, peyton, or gavin wanted pictures that day...hehe :)

  3. Jordan@Me and My 8 Says:

    I love this! What a clever blog! The beebs are all adorable!