Happy Halloween!

Fun smiles

9:19 AM by Anonymous 0 Comments
Jayden and I spent most of or morning playing in his room. He was having such a great time, and smiled everytime he saw the camera. Just thought I'd share a couple of the cute smiles. :)

The Gunnison House

Since we haven't updated the house blog in months, I thought I'd post a few house related pictures here. I made a slideshow showing a few rooms from the begining until recently. Just thought you all might like to see how some of the rooms are coming along!

Playin at Nana's house

Tonight we went to Nana's house for some pizza and cake. Ethan helped build a fort with the couch cushions and taught Jayden how to go through the tunnels. The boys had a great time!

Ethan! As always, very photogenic

Ethan and Jayden chilaxing on the couch

Aunt Heather given Jayden tickles.

Is he cute or what?

My little monkey!

Sorry its been awhile again, but Jayden is keeping me busy! The kid is constantly on the go, and now he's taken to climbing on everything! I can't take my eyes off of him for a second anymore, I've already pulled him off of Josh's computer desk a couple of times, off of the coffee table numerous times, and he's even tried climbing up draws that he's pulled out to get on top of the counter.

These pictures are from today, I've been testing out my new camera! Jayden's favorite spot to climb right now is on top of our love seat so he can look out the window when the trains go by. He loves the trains and gets his big "suprised" face and starts "oooooooh oooooooh"ing every time he hears one.

Jayden also LOVES his bathtime. He loves splashing and crawling around in the water. He's even started putting his face in the water! Typically, the only way to get him out is to let all of the water drain so he'll want out out of boredom :)

Just a quick note...

3:58 PM by Anonymous 1 Comments
Alright, I PROMISE to update some pictures later tonight...but until then, I have something BETTER! My fellow bloggin' mommas better start doing this too! Pictures are great and all, but I really love having videos. So, I set up a YouTube account for all of my favorite family videos. I only have a few so far, but I'd still love for you all to check them out. Here is the link to my list:

Feel free to comment and whatnot.

Oh yeah! Josh and Jayden got me a new camera for my Birthday (its not until tomorrow, but Josh couldn't seem to wait!). So I'll hopefully be back to updating again soon. I could hardly get a decent picture of Jayden because the pictures just showed a big blur, but my new camera is much better and is actually able to capture a still shot. Woohoo!

Anyways, more to come later.

Thank you all for visiting the site so much. I'm so glad that we're able to share a bit of our lives with you :)

Pumpkin Pickin!

Today, we went along on Ethan's field trip to a pumpkin patch near Donnellson. First, the kids went to the Movie House to listen about all of the different types of pumpkins and squash. Jayden and I stayed outside and played because there was no way he would sit quiet for that! Then we all loaded up on a Hayrack ride and went to pick pumpkins! After that we went through a maze, played in their playyard full of corn, and had a snack. The class went back for story time, but we stayed behind to pick out some more pumpkins and snap a few pictures of the boys. It was a great day, and I think the boys really had a lot of fun.
In case you're interested, here is the link to the pumpkin patch:

Oktoberfest and Heritage Days

5:56 PM by Anonymous 1 Comments
This weekend we kept up with our yearly tradition of going to Oktoberfest in the Amana Colonies. Josh and I started going on our first year anniversary back in 2001. This was the first year we were able to make it to the parade, Jayden really enjoyed all of the music!

When we got back, we took a quick trip down to Heritage Days in downtown Burlington. I wanted to get Jayden a pumpkin, but all he really cared about was his apple that he charmed the produce guy out of!