Sorry its been awhile again, but Jayden is keeping me busy! The kid is constantly on the go, and now he's taken to climbing on everything! I can't take my eyes off of him for a second anymore, I've already pulled him off of Josh's computer desk a couple of times, off of the coffee table numerous times, and he's even tried climbing up draws that he's pulled out to get on top of the counter.
These pictures are from today, I've been testing out my new camera! Jayden's favorite spot to climb right now is on top of our love seat so he can look out the window when the trains go by. He loves the trains and gets his big "suprised" face and starts "oooooooh oooooooh"ing every time he hears one.

Jayden also LOVES his bathtime. He loves splashing and crawling around in the water. He's even started putting his face in the water! Typically, the only way to get him out is to let all of the water drain so he'll want out out of boredom :)

These pictures are from today, I've been testing out my new camera! Jayden's favorite spot to climb right now is on top of our love seat so he can look out the window when the trains go by. He loves the trains and gets his big "suprised" face and starts "oooooooh oooooooh"ing every time he hears one.

11:14 PM
I love those pictures! He's getting to be such a big boy - not a baby anymore...
Are you in your new house now?
That bathtub is gorgeous!!!!
What a cutie pie - keep those pictures coming! :)