Four Month Checkup

We had Gavin's four month appointment on Monday. Here are his stats:
Height: 26" at about the 75th percentile
Weight: 14 pounds at about the 50th percentile

He had three shots, and an oral vaccination (which is so much better!).

Gavin is rolling both ways, is able to completely lift his head up while on his tummy, and is starting on solids. He giggles, mostly at his brother, and babbles all of the time. He loves Jayden, and Jayden loves him. I see a lot of mischief to be had together in the future. He is a wonderful, happy baby...even though he still doesn't sleep through the night.

On the move!

Alright, so I finally was able to take a video of Gavin rolling...without Jayden jumping in the picture. And, while I was at it, I thought I'd see if I could get Gavin moving, because the kid is always all over the place if we leave him alone on the floor. So, here you go! Gavin's official four month birthday is in four days, so I think he's doing pretty good.

On a lighter note...

9:50 AM by Chelsea 0 Comments
Gavin has been giggling like crazy at Jayden, and of course, Jayden loves it! Here is a quick little video.

Oakville Iowa Flood

Kim and Nate have shared some pictures and a video from when they went up to see the Oakville Flood last night. Some of the pictures are of Nate's parents farm, most of their buildings are almost completely submerged in water. You can see the top of their white barn, and the top of their house.

Flood of 1993

7:26 AM by Chelsea 0 Comments
I don't know about you guys, but all of this talk about the Flood of 1993 versus the Flood of 2008 had me as to how the two really compared. Josh and I couldn't find any pictures online, I'm assuming because there were no digital cameras, but luckily, my mom made a video back in '93! We were able to upload it to the computer, so we thought we'd share it with anyone else curious about the Flood of '93. We had to cut it down quite a bit (particularly the 2 minutes of the camera sitting on my mom's lap while she drove), but here is a look at the Great Flood of 1993 of the Mississippi river fronts in Burlington Iowa, Fort Madison Iowa, Keokuk Iowa and the Des Moines River between Iowa and Missouri.
You can really see the difference in preparations in the cities between now and then. For the flood of '08, there were huge walls of sandbags and levies everywhere, in '93 I can't really notice nearly as much...but maybe the sandbag walls were already submerged. Anyway, here is the video. It's not horribly exciting, but it does give a good view of the damage.

ps. If you want to see some pretty awesome pictures, go here:

Iowa Flood of 2008

Here are a few pictures of Burlington Iowa from this morning, sorry about the quality, many were taken from a moving car.

Great River Bridge.

Memorial Auditorium

Iowa side river front.

Big Muddies tried their hardest, but as you can see, their levy has filled in.

Looking at the train tracks from Main Street.

Main Street preparations.

Main Street

Railroad tracks.

Looking down front street.

Who'd a thought...

I'd have multiple posts in a day, let alone a week!
Today, I thought it would be fun to try out the Jumperoo. Gavin was kicking like crazy in my arms, and Jayden was off at a baseball game with Josh, so it was safe. Lo and behold, he loves it! And he already jumps, which is pretty darn cool. Of course, I got a video. I sound like a dork, but you gotta do what you gotta do to make a kid happy.

I did try to upload some new pictures, but blogger timed out three times, so I guess they'll have to wait!

Gabbin' Gavin

9:18 AM by Chelsea 3 Comments
Well, Gavin has discovered his voice, and it is loud! He is always "talking" now, it's pretty darn cute. Here's a short video of him this morning. He talked a lot more if he was able to hold onto the camera, this is why there are extreme close ups of his mouth occasionally. So, if you think you hear a baby crying while on the phone with me, this is what you are hearing.

A milestone! Woohoo!

Today, Gavin finally accomplished what he's been trying to do for weeks, he rolled over! Sadly, I didn't get a picture because like always, I couldn't find my camera. Plus, I didn't really want to ruin the moment by tearing my house upside down just to find the darn thing (which was simply on the kitchen counter). Anyway, I wanted to share, and get it down in print so I'll have it to reference to when I get around to scrap booking. As of now, I can't possibly imagine having time to scrapbook.

I'll try really hard to get some pictures on here, until then, you should totally check out what Remax is doing, we're the first office in the area to get Visual Tours up on! I'm really excited about it.