I wanted to wait until after his one year Birthday, but I got tired of constantly washing the dried in food that tangled up his hair. His hair was really pretty unruly, but I knew that once he had a haircut he would not look like a baby any more and it's hard to prepare yourself for that. So last night, we chopped the curls. We bribed him into sitting still with some Conversation Hearts, Jayden has apparently introduced these to him earlier in the day while I was on the phone. If you know Gavin, he has to constantly play with food that is in his mouth, so one heart kept him preoccupied for a couple of minutes at least.
Anyway, here is the before:

And here he is this morning:
Anyway, here is the before:
And here he is this morning:
11:07 AM
Chelsea, his hair is awesome looking, so grown up. Tell him Papa loves it. Tell Jayden hi and I hope he had a good time at Burger King. Sure wish I could have had time to join you.
Love, Papa xo
1:28 PM
He looks adorable!!! What a transformation - it sure is bittersweet to watch them growing up before our eyes. :)
4:16 PM
omg! he looks like a little man!!! He looks so much like Josh did when he was little....Gavin is much cuter though! Love it!
8:53 PM
aww...i love it!!! he looks so much older now AND a lot more like jayden...hehe :)
12:47 PM
So big!
2:13 PM
What a handsome shmandsome little man!
4:14 PM
I thought he was so cute before but the hair cut just captures how much he looks like his daddy!! More so now than when he was smaller. And Jayden is changing so fast. Such a big boy!! It was a great party and the video is priceless!! Love, G-MA XO XO