Here is the kitchen, as of today:
We did have Easter here, with both Josh's family and my family. I wanted all (two) of Jayden's cousins to be here so we could have an Easter Egg Hunt and do fun kids stuff. The Easter egg hunt went much better than I thought it would, I thought Ethan would be the only one to go after any of the eggs, but Taylor really went for them too! Jayden just kept wandering off. :)
Getting ready for the hunt! (Nice front porch, huh?)
Ethan and Heather
Jayden, in his Easter duds. Thanks again for the shirt and tie Aunt Meep Meep and Aunt Memee! This is what happens when you try to get a smile by asking to see Jayden's mouth. Mmm...chocolaty.
One of the many things Jayden received for Easter was Pee-Wee's Playhouse Volume #2. We already had Volume #1, Pee-Wee's Big Adventure, and Pee-Wee's Christmas Special. "I had a thing for Pee-Wee growing up, and I recieved the DVDs for Christmas a couple of years ago. I thought it was time to introduce Pee-Wee to Jayden. Jayden wasn't all that interested in watching TV, he would sit for maybe five minutes at a time. Well, now he's a Pee-Wee addict. We have to have the show on all day. If we turn it off, we get a pitiful, overly dramatic Jayden crying up at the DVD player "Peeeeeweeeeee! Peeeeeweeeee" with real tears in his eyes. If you start singing the theme song, he'll join right in. If he's having a tantrum, and you just mention "Pee-Wee" he cheers right up and starts saying "Pee-Wee!" with his hands excitedly up to his mouth, while running into the living room. He's even starting to get the Tequila dance down. I just thought I'd share a bit of whats going on in our house right now. It's all Pee-Wee, all the time. And the sad part? I love it. I really do. I finally have an excuse to watch my Pee-Wee DVDs.
9:34 PM
That kitchen is looking fantastic - great job. One magical day we'll get to that point,
9:35 PM
O....M....G.... The video is tooooooo funny! The dance at the end just killed me! What a hoot! Anyway, the kitchen looks great! I'm so glad it's set up finally (minus the minor things here and there). It sounds (and looks) like Easter was a hit - thanks for the pics of "my" kids. Wish I could have been there.
Hey, funny side note, the Word Verification for this comment begins "pewu" (kinda sounds like peewee) *grin*
10:33 PM
oh my gosh....that is the funniest thing ever...i cant believe he actually does the "tequila dance" i about fell out of my chair laughing so hard
i just love the kitchen...its so awesome you guys finally have a kitchen now and you have come a LONG way...
thanx for having easter at your place, i had so much fun...and in the picture of me with the looks like im picking my butt, thanx :)
2:06 PM
The house is looking great! You guys have done a fantastic job. Looks like you had a fun Easter too! I too remember Pee Wee's Playhouse every Saturday morning. Do you think I was too old to be watching it when I was 15? LOL