Well, my house is as decorated as its going to be... I thought I'd share. We're spending most of our time continuing with the renovation of the house so we didn't quite have the energy to put as much into our Christmas decorating this year.
Josh and I are a bit nostalgic when it comes to decorating, so we don't go for the classy look, we go more for fun. Now typically I'd have more than one tree. A rudolph tree full of the Rudolph ornaments and the Rudolph train, I love that movie and went a little crazy when the decorations started coming out. And the other tree would have some of Josh's ornaments from his childhood, and a few new ones. BUT, since we just moved in at the begining of December and I can't even locate all of my Christmas stuff let alone find safe places to put everything with Jayden on the loose...we kind of kept it simple this year.
Keep in mind too that this is only our second Christmas out of our parent's houses, so things aren't going to be fine tuned for a few year.
Alright, enough excuses... :)
Our fireplace mantle became a bit of a hold all for our stockings and village. Next year we hope to have the built in bookcases done so don't have to put the village here.
Our tree, we stuck to just lights and about a third of our ornaments this year. Mostly because we got it up later than usual and I didn't like thinking about taking it all back off in a few weeks.
A view from the living room to the family room. I draped our cards across the doorway so people would notice the cards rather than the lack of finished woodwork!
Grand finale...
I thought I could cover up the fact that we haven't refinished the stairway yet...ha!
10:52 AM
Jayden I think you have a very lovely home. The stair well is going to be absolutely beautiful when it is all finished. I love the fire place also.
Thanks for inviting me in. Merry Christmas.
11:07 AM
Wow, your home is just gorgous! The floors look incredible and I love that banister with the garland. Your mantle is so pretty, as is your tree. Love how it's out in the center, mine is crammed in a corner!
Thank you for sharing your home with us, and have a very Merry Christmas!
11:58 AM
When I saw another Chelsea, I had to come see you. LOL
I love the way your tree is in the center of that room. It's beautiful. It's amazing this is only your second year on your own.
Your home is beautiful, too. Your floors are amazing.
A Chelsea Morning
2:37 PM
I'm giving you "ooohs and ahhhs"! I love your home and I think you've done quite well for just moving in. Your home looks to be full of warmth and love and that's what Christmas is about. I love the train under the tree. Have a very blessed Christmas!
4:50 PM
Just lovely. Who cares that it's not finished yet? Homes are always a work in progress, right?! I love what you've done with the place (grin) Merry Christmas and thanks for the tour.
9:38 PM
I've never seen a Christmas tree in the center of the room before -- I love it!! You have a beautiful home...thanks for letting us visit it. : )
Merry Christmas!
10:50 AM
I love your fireplace and those snowmen stockings are adorable! Lovely home. Merry Christmas!
2:01 PM
You have a very lovely home, and I think you've done a great job with it already! Thank you for sharing, and have a very Merry Christmas!
3:18 PM
Lovely home you have....I love the tree in the middle of the room, that is so fun. The fireplace and living room are gorgeous. Thank you for sharing it with us.
10:57 PM
I don't think you need excuses, your house is gorgeous even if it isn't finished yet, I'm so jealous.
9:53 PM
I LOVE your home, its beautiful! Your fireplace is incredible and the Christmas tree in the middle of the room is gorgeous! Thank you for having us over!
8:44 AM
Your home is gorgeous! Thank you for blessing us with a tour.
Merry Christmas!
7:30 PM
I am slowly making my way through BooMama's tour. :) Everything is lovely -- thanks for having us in!
My tour is buried under other posts here.