Fall leaves

For a very short while, we braved the cold today to play out in the leaves. Jayden always enjoys being outside, but he enjoyed it even more when he could make constant crunching noises with every step.

I think this would be his "Pennock" side coming out...

3 Response to "Fall leaves"

  1. Anonymous Says:

    I love those pictures!!!! His little coat and everything - so cute! I love leave pictures - they are always so pretty, even with our boys! :)

  2. Anonymous Says:

    He is more precious every time I see him. He is getting so big so fast. Thanks for updating with all the new pictures Chelsea! I also love to see the progress of the new house. Some day all your hard work will pay off!! Love Ya!


  3. Anonymous Says:

    Mandy- Its a bottle of Rum that Jenny brought back from Jamaica. Jayden's found it in a drawer of Josh's stuff. :)