New YouTube Videos!

I've uploaded a couple more videos finally!
The first one is of Jayden trying to do some big boy stuff. He's become really good at brushing his own teeth, and darnit, I thought it was pretty cute. He has also been trying to figure out how to put his shoes on, but he keeps trying to bring his foot to his shoe rather than his shoe to his its a little difficult for him. Also, I had his coat laid out and I was packing his diaper bag. Apparently, he was really wanting to go bye bye so he tried to get his coat on himself.
Its really awesome to see how much he's grown up. The things he does amaze me everyday. He's really become a mimic of actions, and I really don't know how he's picked so much up from everybody. From grabbing a wet wipe to wipe something up off the floor, to sticking a dvd (a fake one!) in my computer drive and closing it up. Its just the little things that get me...and make me such a proud momma!

The second video is of Jayden and Taylor playing with an old kitchen set that their aunts and uncle used to play with when they were little. The kids loved it!

1 Response to "New YouTube Videos!"

  1. Anonymous Says:

    What a big boy! Being a mommy is the best! :)