What was supposed to be "Soothing Aloe" turned out to be more of a blinding green highlighter color. I was leery of it at first, but we kept painting because I haven't liked any of the colors we've painted when we first started painting, but I love them all now. I gotta say, the color is growing on me more and more. I've started putting some stuff in the bathroom, I've put up the clock and the medicine cabinet is up, and it's all helped tremendously.
Pictures don't really do a color justification. Much of the woodwork still needs a second coat, some of the trim pieces need to be put up, and we still have to get the light up...but we're VERY close to being done with this room.
I did manage to finish my chairs. I'm pretty happy with them, with the material included, they were only $2.00 each. :).JPG)
My mom did all of the plastering on the walls and ceiling, and she sanded much of them too. This is what happens when you spend some time sanding ceilings.
And because it's always nice to end the post with a cute kid, here's our adorable neice doing her rendition of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star