Here are a few pictures of the progress up to today of Jayden's room. I don't have a picture of it from the very beginning, it had shag carpet on top of many layers of flooring, and the closet was absolutely disgusting. We've still got a few things to do in here, such as: nail down the quarter round that has been ready to be nailed down for months now, finish some spots on his floor, put up shelving, and a few more painting touch ups. Then we'll be DONE with a ROOM. Craziness.

Another shot looking southeast. We're down to the pine boards here, and starting on the walls.
This is in Jayden's closet. I was actually proud of the way it looked here, because it looked so bad before hand. I can't find a picture of what it looked like, I think because I tried to steer clear of this room as much as possible. To give you an idea, the previous owner had buckets on top of the built in drawers to hold all of the water and debris that came in through the ceiling and walls. The buckets had been there for years, and were green and grimy and gross.
This is looking Northeast. It's after we had the heat and air installed, and we had to build around the pipes. I'm planning on putting in floor to ceiling shelving in the nook there.
Here it is looking Southeast again, after we'd painted the floors, walls, and most of the woodwork.
This is in his closet again. Doesn't it look so nice and clean? The ceiling and some of the walls were replaced. The walls we didn't replace were replastered. I love it :)
Here it is today, looking Southeast.
Here it is looking Northeast, and the partially built shelving we desperately need since Jayden received every toy imaginable at Christmastime.
Looking South. We just put up his window treatments last weekend. I have to difficult of a time picking out window treatments for one room, let alone an entire house. But, we're getting there.
Here's a shot of the floor looking Southeast after we had been tearing up some of the old linoleum. NOT a fun job. It didn't help that there were thousands of nails that we had to pull up so we could paint his floor. I thought painting his floor would be a cost effective and easy thing to do for a kids room, plus great for playing with cars and Lego's. But, in order to paint we had to tear up ever bit of flooring, pull up every nail, fill every hole and every crack, primer, paint twice.... not all that easy.
That's all for Jayden's room!
Hopefully, my brother and uncle will be coming over tomorrow night to help us get our upstairs bath up and running. Yeah, you heard it. Running. Like, with water. A BATH, if you will. Le sigh...Oh the luxury.
9:05 PM
That white trim with that tone of blue looks great!