This weeks topic for Photo Hunt is architecture. So, rather than just putting up one picture, I thought I'd put up a few of my home town, Burlington.
This is the Great River Bridge over the Mississippi.
This is the train bridge. 
This is a block downtown that is pretty much vacant. Our downtown has beautiful buildings, but many of them have set empty for years. I worked in the bookshelf building on the right when it was a costume shop.
This is my mom's house, the real reason for my house rehabilitation craziness. It sat empty for 20 years with the windows boarded up, without electricity or plumbing until she bought it.
This is a view from my mom's house of Saint John's Church.
Another view from my mom's house of the downtown and Snake Alley.
This is the Memorial Auditorium on the riverfront, it's currently getting a bit of a face lift.

1:32 PM
Don't you think that a lot of the little towns across the country look the same, sadly with much of the downtown area empty and neglected? I love the way these small towns look, it gives me a feeling of home, no matter how far away I am.
2:14 PM
Wow...such a beautiful town! Thanks for sharing your pix and for visiting my site!
2:28 PM
I haven't been to Burlington since childhood vacations with my family. Thanks for the memory.
Love for blog. I'll be back to poke around some more.
4:36 PM
so many "downtowns" look the same, but more and more i see them undergoing gentrification and it makes me so happy!
smiles, bee
5:37 PM
I love your site and the photos are really impressive. I've got a home improvement blog that I started a few months ago and I've struggled to get readers. In an effort to network with other home improvement folks I created a blogroll. If you're not familiar with a blogroll it's really just a simple way for similar blogs to link to each other and spread the word. If you're interested check it out at
6:08 PM
what a lovely home your nom bought! Even with boards on the windows, she saw the "possibilities"! Beautiful photos, all of them! My photo is up, please come and visit soon
6:32 PM
It looks like a cute place to visit :)
Mine's up :)
7:35 PM
I really enjoyed the tour. It is a lovely town. Your mom's house is a treasure and I'm glad she rescued it. I think in another decade or so things will be totally different and you will have been part of the reason for that!
9:53 PM
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love the views from your mother's house, they have a "lord of the manor" (or lady in this case) feel... thanks for the hometown tour and great photos.
10:52 PM
Very nice choices. Love the tour..
My photo is up so stop in if you can.
9:41 AM
Nice photo tour - I would love to live in a place called Snake Alley!
Thanks for visiting mine.
Have a fabulous week.
9:03 PM
I hate to say it, but Mandy is correct. :) Good seeing you guys and the house this weekend.
7:40 AM
Oops, you're right Mandy. I'll blame it on the fact that I had a one year hanging on me while I was typing it up...such as now.
Good to see you too Stone, all five minutes that I saw you. Hopefully we'll have a finished product when you come home for Easter :)
8:46 AM
I love those last two together! Very interesting.
The Mississippi River will always have a soft spot in my heart---I was born in Memphis. The river is a mile wide at Memphis. They also have an old bridge and a "new" bridge from Arkansas into Memphis.
I love all the old buildings! My town I live in now has just had a big push towards renovating the old downtown buildings, and it's wonderful. Whatever tax money they spent I think was worth it.
Maybe your town will do something with the downtown, too.