Our kitchen cabinets are being delivered tomorrow, so Josh and I are trying to do all we can to get ready for them! Last night Josh finished up the little areas in the kitchen that still needed to be sanded, and he got a coat of primer up on the spots that still needed it. We're going to put one more coat of paint up on the walls tonight, and then we'll be good to go.
Heather and I moved my desk into the kitchen, and I moved the hutch part in today. It's kind of a different desk, but I like it because it fits the space so well. We'll probably repaint it and put different knobs on it someday, but it's a project we don't need to undertake right now. Plus, the yellow doesn't look to bad with the green and red. I'd love to start moving in the rest of the furniture pieces that will go in the kitchen so I can clear out a bit of the rest of the house, but I'm making myself wait for the cabinets. I'm sure the room will be full of enough stuff when they get here.
There will still be quite a few little jobs to do once the cabinets are in, but nothing too major. I've got a few little spots to touch up on the floor, I'm waiting until the cabinets are in, in case we scuff anything. We (meaning Josh) still needs to run plumbing to the sink, dishwasher, and refrigerator. The drains and vents are already ran, so he basically just needs to run the water pipes. All of the electrical is done, we just have to put in all of the switches and plugs. We've also got to call to get the gas ran to the stove top, something we aren't quite comfortable with doing ourselves. Then there's the woodwork to put up, and the door going into the dining room (to the left of the desk) still needs a frame put in. By the time most of this stuff is done, we should have a fully functioning kitchen. It's not much, really. You should have seen the kitchen before.
7:02 PM
hey guys! it's looking great!! can't wait to see the finale!! you guys are doing an awesome job!!
love you all!
9:26 PM
Yea! I'm so happy for you guys! It's going to be soooo cool