I'll post a real update later. :)
I'll post a real update later. :)
Tomorrow the cabinet guy is coming to measure for counter tops, and to hopefully deliver some of the stuff we had to reorder. We still need to finish up the plumbing and run the gas lines to the stove top, and then we'll be fully up and running. We're hoping to have everything going by Easter, so we can have our first holiday meal here. :)
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Heather and Scott brought up my old twin bed today, so Jayden officially has his big boy bed in his room now! He's been keeping us up at night by rocking, it moves the whole bed and makes a horrible racket. We're hoping that if we start transitioning him to the bigger bed, he might sleep a little bit better. Jayden loves it so far, and was SO excited when he saw it in his room for the first time.
Jayden and Taylor getting a ride from Kimmie in her laundry basket. One of their favorite things to do!
Jayden playing with the rocks at Nana's house, right before he got his new shoes caked in mud.
Taylor showing off her cowgirl hat on Kimmie's new big girl bed!
Ethan, Jayden, and Taylor enthralled by something outside the window (I think it was a garbage truck).
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As I've written before, we had a few problems with our cabinets. The kitchen cabinet guy came yesterday, something I wasn't really looking forward to because I was afraid he'd get in a mood about it. He's kind of like that. I went over the list with him bit by bit.
- The drawer fronts were all wrong. They're flat fronts, when they were supposed to match cabinet doors. He said that the guy that did our kitchen as since been fired because he ordered a lot of stuff wrong, he even told me that he had an entire kitchen in his warehouse that he has to get rid of because it was completely wrong. He then went on to tell me that the drawers I want are much more expensive and that I didn't actually pay for that type of drawer.
- Our window wasn't centered between the upper cabinets, even though we moved the entire window so it would be centered above the sink. It wasn't something that we noticed right away because the kitchen was ordered before the window was moved. He said that we could get a 12 inch cabinet to replace the 15 cabinet that was ordered and things should be centered up.
- Two cabinets came broken, one completely busted. He just looked them over to see if they could be repaired, but they were pretty far gone.
- We were supposed to receive posts for our island from a different company, we received the stain so we could match the posts, but the actual posts weren't ordered.
In the end he said that he had a proposition for me. He would pay for the new 12 inch cabinet so the window would be centered, he'd pay for the broken cabinets (isn't that kind? the cabinets that came broken?) and he would pay for the posts. But he wanted me to pay for the new drawers. I said no, I already paid for drawers. His argument was that I didn't actually pay for the drawers I wanted and that they were much more expensive, my argument was that when I signed my check, I was paying for the drawers I wanted, and our loan is closed and we don't have pocket money for new drawers. Finally, he said "Fine, I just thought I'd see if you'd be fair about it all." Not the best thing to say. He agreed to pay for the drawers, but only because my mom is such a good customer of his (which he mentioned numerous times). I guess my business or happiness as a customer doesn't count. He said he'd order everything and walked through the house and out the door without telling me when the cabinets would arrive, or even a simple goodbye. I'd meant to ask him to go ahead and measure for the counter top, since most of the lower cabinets were okay...but I didn't get the chance. So now, after being so close to having a functional kitchen, we're stuck waiting again.
That's it for my rant. Hopefully I'll be posting about my nearly finished kitchen sometime before Easter.

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It's frustrating, but I have to say that I was definitely expecting something to go wrong. Something always goes wrong. I'm just glad that a) it wasn't my fault because it usually is and b) it isn't going to cost us any money.
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We got a very good start on the kitchen cabinets tonight, thanks to so much help from so many people. I have no idea how we would survive without family! So far, there are a few problems: the drawers are wrong, they're flat fronts and they're supposed to be framed like the cabinets, and one of the doors is warped. So far, that's it. Otherwise, everything is starting to look really nice, our kitchen already looks smaller!
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The cabinets are here!
Now all we have to do is take them out of the boxes and screw them up on the walls. Piece of cake.
Of course, Jayden promptly got lost in the only cabinet that was out of the box, which happened to be behind many other boxes that I couldn't get through.
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Jayden's Room
- Touch up floor paint
- Install and paint quarter round and floor trim
- Finish shelving
Install dimmer switch- Blank covers for obsolete outlets
Install lighting in closet- Paint door
Master Bedroom
- One more coat of paint on walls
- Edging on ceiling
- Plate covers
- Finish Trim
Install DoorInstall closet lightsRun cable to our room
Upstairs Hallway
- Finish patching cracks
- Sand
- Primer and paint ceilings and walls
- Install lighting
- Switch plate covers
- Paint woodwork
- Install shelving
Kid's Bath
- Finish Floor
PlumbingOrder faucet for tubSand wallsPrimer and Paint walls and ceiling- Finish painting bead board
Put up trimPut up and finish doorInstall LightingHang medicine cabinet
- Sand, primer, paint walls and ceiling
- Sand and varnish woodwork
Living Room
- Finish woodwork
- Finish installing built in media cabinet
- Finish dresser
- Finish and install french doors
- Touch up paint
Family Room
- Touch up paint
- Put up woodwork
- Finish woodwork
- Install built in bookshelves
Dining Room
- One more coat of regular paint
- Top coat paints
- Woodwork
- Switch plate covers
- Door on closet
Half bath
Put in ceilingPlaster and sand wallsand ceiling- Primer and paint walls and ceiling
- Paint bead board and woodwork
- Plate covers
- Hang medicine cabinet
Electrical- Plumbing
Drywall wallsDrywall ceilingPlaster, Sand, Primer and paint walls and ceiling- Install and paint woodwork
Sand and paint floorInstall lighting- Install cabinets
- Install appliances
- Scrape paint
- Primer
- Paint
- Begin landscaping
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and Ta Da!
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Happy 18 month!
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